Conad Dao and Nexi together in building Italy's first cashierless store. Nexi has always been a pioneer in the Grocery sector in frictionless purchasing and payment solutions. Conad Dao recently set up the first 'cashierless store' of its chain in Verona, equipping it with a Nexi's Invisible Payments solution.
Interesting are the results deriving from a recent survey on the propensity of Italians to purchase in store with a 'cashierless' technological infrastructure to speed up the moment of checkout. The survey, carried out by Bocconi University with BF Partners, on a sample of over 1,200 consumers shows that, for a quarter of those interviewed, the waiting time should never exceed 3 minutes.
The solution is composed by a system of infrared cameras and weight sensors on the shelves identify the products chosen by each customer, while payment is handled by the XPay eCommerce platform, either through interaction with the 'Tuday Take & Go' app or via other payment methods.
This is how the shopping and payment experience works:
- The customer enters the supermarket, chooses products and places them directly in his bag or pocket.
- An advanced system of infrared cameras and weight sensors in the store accompanies the customer during his shopping, identifying the chosen products and adding them directly to the virtual cart.
- At checkout, full integration with the invisible payments system, XPay, allows fast payment without having to go to the cashier. Payment is 100% digital. You can view your purchases on a totem or App screen and pay easily by card, smartphone or with the Tuday 'Get & Go' App, scanning the QR code generated and receiving the virtual receipt.
This solution offers numerous advantages, here are some of them:
- For consumers: quick check out, faster, safer and more convenient shopping, avoiding queues at the checkout.
- For retailers: reduced theft, clear identification of customer shopping habits, assortment according to real needs.