With reference to the execution of the share buyback programme, which was disclosed to the market on May 9, 2024 and initiated on the same date, Nexi S.p.A. (“Nexi”), communicates that - on the basis of information provided by Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc, the third-party intermediary appointed to execute the programme in full independence and without any involvement of Nexi - from July 15, 2024 to July 19, 2024 the intermediary executed the purchase transactions summarised in the table below, on a daily basis in aggregate form, on both regulated market and Multilateral Trading Facilities:
Details of purchase transactions are available in Excel format at nexigroup.com (“Investors” / “Results and reports” / “Financial Press Releases”).
As of July 19, 2024, Nexi had purchased a total of 28,508,622 shares since the launch of the programme, equal to around 2.17% of its share capital (pre cancellation), at an average weighted purchase price of 5.9256 euro per share, for a total countervalue of 168,932,055.66 euro.