Digital Corporate Banking
CBI Services
In addition to the services offered through Partner Banks (E-mobile Corporate Banking, CBI Node Services, CBILL, Certification Authority & Payments Security) we also make the following services available to Companies.
Host to Host Corporate Banking Links
For a direct, multibank and multi-account connection between the Company's management system and the Interbank Corporate Banking ecosystem.
We are able to implement direct links between Host to Host interfaces, present in the management systems of Companies, and the back-end of their Corporate Banking platform without any obligation for the platform to link to a reference current account. Thanks to this link, the Company can directly use instruction and information functions in deferred (batch) mode; triggered on current accounts in Italy.
Delegated Technical Structure Services (STD)
We provide the tools, expertise and skills to develop flow conversion procedures, with the ability to translate the same from proprietary formats to the standard CBI format.
These value-added services provide a valuable contribution to all those Companies that, due to their size and organisational complexity, would encounter problems in adapting to circuit standards and find it advantageous to delegate this activity to the STD manager.

Fast Digital Invoicing
Electronic invoicing is the cornerstone of the order-payment process and with its digitisation it is possible to achieve greater cohesion between the Company world and that of Banks.
We provide companies with an electronic invoicing platform aimed at business-to-business, business-to-Government and business-to-consumer (Invoice Collaborative Business Platform), which adapts to both Large Companies and SMEs, thanks to the flexibility of its components represented by modules that can be integrated and customised according to the competitive needs of each Customer.
Choosing Fast Digital Invoicing means:
- Reducing acceptance and payment times for invoices
- Increasing the loyalty of the Suppliers-Customers network
- Facilitating the funding cycle
- Reducing the possibility of errors and disputes
The Characteristics of the Service
The Fast Digital Invoicing solution is prepared for integration with company ERPs thanks to an ANY IN ANY OUT logic, guaranteeing the correctness and integrity of the Customer's data and reducing the possibility of errors and exceptions.
- Convenient and secure: invoicing process entirely managed by Fast Invoice, in line with regulations and through a specifically created web platform. Digital preservation in accordance with the law and in total safety
- Simple: immediate and intuitive consultation of invoices sent/received. Total control of the invoicing cycle. Complete integration with Enterprise Digital Banking
- Can be integrated: modular solution that can be integrated with any type of company management system. System integrated with Nexi POS for Merchants who wish to transmit electronic invoices directly from the POS, in a simplified way
- Flexible and modular: easily adaptable to the needs of Customers. Multi-user and multi-corporate access and use
The main features offered by the platform are:
- Customer-Supplier Management, counterparty registration data and B2B/B2G transmission-reception channels
- Management of the active/passive cycle of the invoice: processing, digital signature, multi-channel issuance, presentation and approval of the document
- Digital preservation: regular filing of commercial and tax documents (invoices, orders, delivery notes, accounting books, assessment forms, price lists, etc.) with digital signature and time stamp
Our Fast Digital Invoicing solution provides a secure and reliable connection with full adherence to all technological standards and current regulations.
Invoicing to the Public Sector
Immediate reconciliation of receipts and payments with the invoice documents, the possibility of accessing credit through a request for advances on invoices and certification of receivables from the Public Sector, are functions that create value for both companies and Banks.
Our Fast Digital Invoicing solution provides a secure and reliable connection with full adherence to all technological standards and current regulations.
Discover our Medium and Large Coporate offer
Solution for Corporate