Digital payments
Our solutions based on SEPA Credit Transfer facilitate the creation of a national and European ecosystem for money transfer.
They are available to all banks operating in the Single Euro Payments Area and allow users to send and receive money to and from smartphones via a dedicated app.
The debit and credit take place in real time and directly to the current account, the payment account or the card with IBAN.
Digital Payment Hub
It is a multi-user, multilingual and multiplatform solution to facilitate access to the clearing & settlement of all payments: Instant, SCT, SDD, SEDA.
The platform also manages the “Request to Pay” service, in which the beneficiary can send, through different digital channels, a request for money in real time to a payer, who can subsequently approve and execute the operation.
It is an end-to-end solution that manages the entire payment lifecycle, from the connection to the business process, to the routing to the clearing & settlement schemes, interfacing directly with the SIA-COLT and Swiftnet networks.
The solution is provided as a service for a rapid “go to market”, to allow banks a significant reduction in risks and investments. It is open to all channels used by PSPs, guarantees continuous 24x7 service availability and can be integrated with numerous value-added services and is also available in the cloud.
The service ensures that the customer receives verified data before initiating a payment, provides the payee with the possibility of adding relevant customer data, and allows PSPs to identify and manage risks along the value chain.
The Digital Payment Hub provides the following value-added services for the Instant Payments world: Anti-Fraud, Sanctions Screening, Mirror Account, Extended Tracking and Reconciliation. The offer is completed with additional modules such as Document Management, Analytics & Business Intelligence, B2B Community and Smart Back Office.
Instant Payments service
Choosing Instant Payments means choosing a platform for real-time interbank management of IBAN-based payments that guarantees maximum security and payment traceability.
Our Instant Payments service works easily and allows you to significantly reduce money transfer times by making payments immediate even via the mobile App.
The Instant Payments platform manages the interbank processes of IBAN-based real-time Clearing & Settlement of payments, and has been certified by the Eurosystem (ECB and national central banks of the Eurozone).
The system is based on a consolidated and highly advanced technological platform, which makes it extremely reliable, and on an open infrastructure that guarantees maximum security, payment traceability and easy integration with the Banks’ systems.
Choosing us as an Instant Payments Partner guarantees:
- Additional remuneration from the transaction for the instant service
- Expansion of the commercial offer to Companies and Individuals
- Acquisition of new market shares, on transactions today dominated by other payment methods and by other players
- Opportunity to position the Bank's image on elements of innovation
And also:
- Consultancy on cases of use, which consists in supporting the definition of the value proposition and economics for various cases of use according to the needs of the bank and its customers
- Gateway, to make the service usable with full multi-channelling and also outsourceable
- Intermediation service, which minimises impacts for Banks
Clearing & settlement Processes
We allow Banks and Payment Service Providers (PSPs) to access the world of national and international payments, offering the possibility of directly and indirectly joining the RNI (National Interbank Network) Application Centre for domestic services and the Automated Clearing House (ACH) for SEPA (Single European Payments Area) services.
For this reason, we can provide Banks with support in the management of all Clearing & Settlement processes.
ACH & infrastructural services intermediation
Our solutions enable even small entities, which are inherently outsourcing-oriented, to access the world of payments carrying out the settlement of Domestic, SEPA, Cross Border, Target2 and Setif payments.
We also act as Settlement Agent within international networks to settle credit and debit card transactions.
This set of services also includes intermediation and settlement between partner banks and billers of payments made online and via ATM such as utility bills and mobile top-ups.
SEPA Clearing
It is the processing solution for the interbank management of the new SEPA Credit Transfer and Direct Debit collection and payment instruments. The central component of the service, based on the same technologies developed for the STEP2 platform, allows - through a single interface - easy access to the BICOMP-SEPA and EBA-STEP2 circuits, respectively allowing the regulation of domestic transactions and the regulation of cross-border transactions in the TARGET2 circuit via EBA-STEP2.
The solution envisages:
- Processing and sending to SEPA transactions settlement
- Web access for monitoring the information managed by the Central System
- Sending flows containing the information necessary for accounting reconciliations
- Sending flows containing the information needed for traffic reconciliations
Home Clearing - Sitrad Application Centre
We are an Application Centre of SITRAD – Interbank System for Automatic Data Transmission: our long and proven experience, constant research for innovation and the skills acquired over the years ensure banks the highest possible levels of service in this field.
The main managed applications are:
- Commercial Receipts - Direct Debit
- Check Truncation
- Check Image Truncation
- Electronic Outcome for Cheques
- Recognition of Interbank Charges
- RID Archives Alignment - Mandate management
- Transfers between banks
- Documented transactions
- Portfolio provisions
My Bank
Banks and financial institutions have an available suite of access solutions and features to facilitate the start-up and management of transactions in the MyBank service.
MyBank is a pan-European solution by PRETA SAS (wholly owned subsidiary of EBA Clearing), which expands the offer of services provided by financial institutions for e-commerce through the SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit instruments.
The infrastructure that conveys the authorisations relating to payments for e-commerce is also used to convey the electronic mandates (e-mandates) associated with SEPA Direct Debit and, in the future, for e-identity services.
The solution is based on online authorisation processes within the “4-corner” model and involves the consumer, the merchant and the respective financial institutions, as well as PRETA SAS which manages the centralised directory in which the participants are registered.
Jiffy is the solution to pay, send and receive money via smartphone in real time. In “send and receive money” mode, Jiffy allows you to transfer money instantly by simply selecting the recipient from your personal address book.
In "payment" mode, you can make purchases by paying in a store through NFC technology, or by photographing a QR Code, or by geo-locating or entering the phone number of the store. The availability of money for the merchant is immediate.
In Italy, the technology is based on the BANCOMAT Pay service and can be used by all PagoBANCOMAT® cardholders, through the app of the customer's bank or with the BANCOMAT Pay app, for enabled banks.
Services to support bank payments
IBAN check
Solutions for the management of cheques according to the new check image truncation mode, and for the management of bills collected at the branches of affiliated Banks, Telepass payments and pension payments.
The most advanced range of payment services such as the AgID – PagoPA service, with the dual role of Technology Partner and Payment Service Provider, in the roles of Service Provider and Registering Agent.